São Paulo School of Advanced Studies in Speech Dynamics


7 June 2010, 11:00-12:00

Eleonora AlbanoSome challenging facts of Brazilian Portuguese phonology

This presentation discusses some facts of Brazilian Portuguese (henceforth BP)
phonology which can contribute to the ongoing discussion on the use of dynamic
models in phonological theory. The focus is, however, on description, not modeling, of
such facts.

8 June 2010, 11:00-12:00

Didier DemolinSpeech between field and laboratory: data, models and theories

The study of the diversity of sound systems of natural languages presents many challenges. On the
one hand, one must collect as much data as possible on the observed phenomena in the languages of
the world. On the other, these data must be acquired with reliable measuring devices in order to be
reliably quantified.

9 June 2010, 11:00-12:00

César AdesPrimate language evolution

I here intend to show the relevance of studies of animal communication and the importance of a
comparative approach for the understanding of language and of its evolution. Uniqueness or speechis-
special hypotheses are not incompatible with the search for analogous or convergent features…

10 June 2010, 11:00-12:00

Hani YehiaCurrent challenges in speech science: on acoustic-articulatory relations in speech production

Comprehension of the mechanisms that underlie the production of speech is, progressively, becoming deeper and wider, thanks to the development of knowledge in areas such as acoustics, dynamics, motor
control, neurophysiology and human physiology in general…

11 June 2010, 11:00-12:00

Thaís Cristófaro-SilvaEmergence in phonological acquisition

Formal linguistic models, such as those based on generative assumptions, have difficulties in
explaining language variability and change which are inherent to all languages. The main
problem arises due to the nature of linguistic representations which are understood as

11 June 2010, 14:00-15:00

Eduardo AltmannOn the intermittent dynamics of language use

This talk will report a detailed statistical analysis of the temporal distribution of words over times much longer
than sentence length. Inspiration for our work [1] comes from Zipf’s discovery [2, 3] that word frequency distributions obey a power law…

Dinafon stands for Dinâmica Fônica, i.e., speech dynamics, and expresses the research interests of a group of phonologists/phoneticians directed by Eleonora Albano.

e-mail  albano@unicamp.br
phone  +55 19 35211532
Rua Sérgio Buarque de Holanda, 571
Cidade Universitária
Campinas/SP – Brazil
CEP 13.083–859

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