The research group

Beatriz Raposo de Medeiros


Research fields

Phonetics and Music Cognition


Having carried out on my doctorate in speech and singing at Lafape under the guidance of Eleanora Albano, my thinking on linguistics is permeated by the idea of movements, actions and their cognitive aspects . On the one hand, I seek a better understanding of speech gestures and sung speech, and on the other hand, I am in search of a musical gesture. Despite the fact that musical ability could seem totally "disembodied", I would propose that it is possible to understand musical gesture as the voice produced in the larynx, articulator that should have made possible the evolution of musical instrument to be of different heights


At University of São Paulo, USP, I work both in the Linguistic Department and Classical and Vernacle Languages Department. In my courses of Phonetics and Phonology, students are always estimulated to go beyond the language and speech dichotomy. Whether in classroom or doing research, thinking of a phonic grammar requires solid and large linguistic underground, in dialogue with cognition, among other areas of knowledge.

Contact information


Dinafon stands for Dinâmica Fônica, i.e., speech dynamics, and expresses the research interests of a group of phonologists/phoneticians directed by Eleonora Albano.

phone  +55 19 35211532
Rua Sérgio Buarque de Holanda, 571
Cidade Universitária
Campinas/SP – Brazil
CEP 13.083–859

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