DINAFON (Speech Dynamics) is a Brazilian interinstitutional research group directed by Brazilian phonetician Eleonora Albano, from the University of Campinas, in close collaboration with Belgian phonetician Didier Demolin, from Université Stendhal, Grenoble.

The group’s research interests revolve around phenomena of speech perception, production and processing as they unfold in time.

This is the 1st International DINAFON Meeting, and the 6th National Edition of the Annual Open DINAFON Meeting. It will be held at the University of Campinas (UNICAMP) from August 18 to August 21.

DINAFON 2014 is a sequel to SPSASSD, São Paulo School of Advanced Studies in Speech Dynamics , held in São Paulo in June 2010. Most of the invited speakers in this DINAFON edition were formerly on the SPSASSD faculty. This new round of discussions will focus on temporal relations between speech perception and speech production.

The meeting is co-sponsored by the Association for Laboratory Phonology . Registration is half price for members. The best student paper will receive a one-year student membership.

Call for papers

The theme of DINAFON 2014 is “Speech and Language Dynamics”. We invite submissions on all aspects of the relationship between speech and language:




computational modeling,

language variation and change,

language acquisition (L1 or L2).

Abstracts should be two-pages long, A4 paper size, single spaced, font Times New Roman 11.

More details in the downloadable template in the Call for Papers page.

Submissions open: March, 10th.

Submissions close: May 18th, 11;59 p.m. GMT -11.

18-21 August, 2014

University of Campinas


Dinafon stands for Dinâmica Fônica, i.e., speech dynamics, and expresses the research interests of a group of phonologists/phoneticians directed by Eleonora Albano.

e-mail  albano@unicamp.br
phone  +55 19 35211532
Rua Sérgio Buarque de Holanda, 571
Cidade Universitária
Campinas/SP – Brazil
CEP 13.083–859

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