The São Paulo School of Advanced Studies in Speech Dynamics (SPSASSD) is a five-day event designed to foster speech research in Brazil by promoting dialogue between international and national experts and offering opportunities to talented students from all over the world. It is sponsored by Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP), the São Paulo State research funding agency: .
Eligible participants are: undergraduate, graduate and post-doctoral students in any scientific area concerned with speech, from any academic institution in Brazil; or graduate or post-doctoral students in the same areas from any academic institution in any country having diplomatic relations with Brazil.
SPSASSD is aimed at attracting interest of promising young researchers in contributing to the growth of speech science in Brazil. Over 200 languages, immigrant and indigenous, are spoken throughout the country. Approaching them with the tools of frontier speech science can open countless new horizons.
Students who would consider pursuing an academic career in the field in the state of São Paulo are encouraged to apply for a FAPESP scholarship through the link at the end of this page. (For later, post-doctoral opportunities, see:
FAPESP will cover selected candidates travel and living expenses. Beneficiaries of FAPESP scholarships/fellowships may apply for participation, but are not eligible for funding, as they must use “reserva técnica”.
Training in theory and method for the study of speech dynamics will be offered through 7 mini-courses, 5 lectures and 3 round-tables. The faculty consists of experts in the field working in the USA, Europe, and Brazil. All sessions will be plenary.
Candidates were invited to submit anonymous two-page abstracts on research related to the SPSASSD program by April 5, 2010 (submission was closed at midnight GMT -12). Notification of acceptance will be sent out by May 7. Selected students will have the opportunity to discuss their work with faculty and fellow participants by means of a poster presentation.
Instituto de Estudos Avançados , IEA (Advanced Studies Institute), USP (State University of São Paulo), São Paulo, Brazil.
Dinafon stands for Dinâmica Fônica, i.e., speech dynamics, and expresses the research interests of a group of phonologists/phoneticians directed by Eleonora Albano.
LAFAPE – IEL – Unicamp
+55 19 35211532
Rua Sérgio Buarque de Holanda, 571
Cidade Universitária
Campinas/SP – Brazil
CEP 13.083–859
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